A DEAD MOUSE, goat bells and 16 pillows for a single guest are just a few of the bizarre requests that hotel staff from around the world have received from guests, according to our latest survey.
The majority of unusual requests relate to food, with staff reporting they have been asked to provide 15 cucumbers a day, only the right legs of a chicken and a single glass of water to be delivered to their room on the hour, throughout the night. The sound of goat bells to aid sleep also made the list of most unusual requests.
Bizarre bathroom demands also feature regularly in the list of most unusual hotel requests, with the survey revealing several orders from bathing guests, including a bath of honey and one full of chocolate milk while one guest demanded the toilet to be filled with mineral water.
1. One glass of water on the hour every hour, throughout the night
2. 15 cucumbers a day
3. Toilet to be filled with mineral water
4. Bath of honey
5. Sound of goats bells to aid sleep
6. Only the right legs of a chicken
7. A dead mouse
8. Bath of chocolate milk
9. 16 pillows (for single guest)
10. Crocodile soup
The survey of 400 international hotel staff also revealed the unusual complaints that staff have been subjected to – from guests requesting a refund as their dog hadn’t enjoyed its stay, to a guest demanding his money back as he hadn’t been able to sleep due to his girlfriend’s snoring.
For some, location of a hotel is everything – but it’s difficult not to feel sympathy for the staff at a hotel in London’s prestigious Mayfair who had to diplomatically placate guests who were disappointed that the bedroom didn’t have a sea view.
1. The sheets are too white
2. The sea was too blue
3. Ice cream too cold
4. Bath was too big
5. Girlfriend’s snoring kept guest awake (discount requested)
6. Guest’s dog didn’t enjoy his stay (refund requested)
7. Hotel had no ocean view (in Mayfair, London and Italy, 80km from coast)
8. There was no steak on vegetarian menu
9. Waiter was too handsome
10. Mother of Groom wasn’t given the honeymoon suite
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